Thursday, June 13, 2024

Monroe Lutz Charged with Murder of Walter Smith, June 13, 1924

Aged White Man Is Charged with Murder. . . Monroe Lutz Accused of Slaying Walter Smith Sunday

Hickory, June 12—Monroe Lutz, aged white man, was arrested this afternoon and lodged in the local jail charged with the murder of Walter Smith, 18-year-old youth, who was found dead at his home in Highland Sunday night at 10 o’clock. Lutz was denied bail.

Smith’s mother and stepfather had gone to Brookford Sunday to spend the day with friends and no one was at home during the day. Some time early in the evening Smith returned home after being away all day. That night “Grandpa” Lutz, as he was called, went to the house to perform an errand. He said he found the body of Smith sitting upright in a chair, legs crossed. A pistol rested against a trunk some distance away.

The coroner was called for an investigation, and at first it was thought the young man had committee suicide, but this theory was dispelled after an examination was made of the wound, and it was found that the bullet from the pistol had cut a hole clear through the heart and had embedded in a door across the room. it was evident that murder had been done.

A second jury was empaneled Monday afternoon to hear further evidence in the case, but was postponed until today, when it was agreed that Smith came to his death from gunshot wounds at the hand or hands of parties unknown.

Immediately after the coroner’s verdict a warrant was issued charging Lutz with the crime. Solicitor R.L. Hoffman of Morganton and Attorney Joseph L. Murphy have been working unceasingly on the case this week, following every available clue.

From the Concord Daily Tribune, Friday, June 13, 1924

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