Saturday, June 15, 2024

N.C. Attorney General Says Gas Companies Not Following Price Rules, June 15, 1924

Gasoline Price Not Regulated. . . Attorney General Declares Practice Must End

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, N.C., June 14—“Unless the companies conform to the laws of the state I shall endeavor to enforce against all companies violating such laws the pains and penalties imposed by the statutes of this state,” declared Attorney General James S. Manning, in a letter to all gasoline companies doing business in North Carolina which was made public here today.

Judge Manning declares that there must under no circumstances be discriminations in prices between different localities within the state or between different dealers in the same locality. He also asserts that dealers outside of the incorporated limits of Raleigh and other cities of the state should be allowed to sell gasoline at a reduction, but that this reductions should not exceed two cents a gallon.

The attorney general’s letter is an outcome of a conference with representatives of the companies which was held here on May 26, following reports of violations in Raleigh and elsewhere of the agreements which the companies entered into with the attorney general in 1923.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, June 15, 1924

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