Monday, June 17, 2024

Police Searching for Thieves Who Broke Into Hackney Bros., June 17, 1924

No Clues Left for Police to Work on at Hackney Office. . . Secured Little Loot. . . Chief Dorsey and Men Are Making an Effort to Apprehend Burglars Who Entered Hackney Bros., Inc., Early Saturday Morning; Thieves Got Less than $25 for Trouble of Opening Safe

Although no clues were left upon which the police might work, Chief S.R. Dorsey and his assistants are making an effort to apprehend the burglars who ransacked the office of Hackney Bros. Inc. on Green street early Saturday morning.

The men forced their entrance to the office by jimmying a window, tools were removed from a tool shed on the lot, and the large steel cabinet forced open, in which they found a small amount of cash. The office was thoroughly ransacked, desk drawers were pried open and papers and other articles strewn around the office.

The thieves were undoubtedly disappointed with their booty, which amounted to approximately $25, and it is thought that burglars had an idea the pay-roll had been drawn from the bank on Friday and left in the safe over night. The robbery came to light when employees of the company reported for work on Saturday morning and found the office Cluttered up with papers, while desk drawers and the safe cabinet door was found open.

The local police department is working diligently on the case, and it is thought that some definite clue may be brought to light.

From the front page of the Wilson Times, June 17, 1924

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