Friday, September 20, 2024

Children at Bedside When W.S. Rhew Died, Sept. 21, 1924

Aged Resident Is Dead At His Home. . . W.S. Rhew Passed Away Sunday Morning—Survived by Children

W.S. Rhew, 70-year-old resident of Durham, died at 8:30 Saturday morning at his home at 606 Elizabeth street from a complication of diseases which had beset him for some time and which had kept him confined to his home for the past two months. He was a former employee of the American Tobacco company.

Mr. Rhew is survived by his wife and several children. He was married twice, and the children of the first which survive are: W.L. J.F., J.L. and J.D. Rhew, and two daughters, Miss Eva Rhew and Mrs. McHolm, both of Alabama. Of the second marriage two children survive: Julian A. and Margaret Rhew.

Funeral services will be held at the home Sunday afternoon at 3:00 with Rev. Hester of the Gospel Tabernacle officiating, assisted by Rev. Trela D. Collins. Pall bearers will be: C.A. King, M.M. Strickland, W.H. Black, W. Williams, F.A. Edwards, and M.L. Herrington.

From page 2 of the Sunday Durham Herald, Sept. 21, 1924

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