Thursday, November 14, 2024

High School Football Teams Playing for Western N.C. Championship, Nov. 15, 1924

Highs Play Friday for Group Title; Piedmont Loses. . . Shelby Meets Mt. Holly There for Championship of Group Four. Locals Expect Victory

“Casey” Morris and his Shelby High eleven will journey to Mt. Holly this afternoon where they will meet the fast Mt. Holly Highs for the championship of group four in the race for the state football title. The game was originally set for Shelby but local people have not been showing any too much interest in what appears to be their best football eleven in history, and with gate receipts running behind expenses and a good offer coming from Mt. Holly, the game was switched.

Apparently Shelby should emerge victor from the game, but Mt. Holly trounced the big Waynesville outfit for the opportunity to meet Shelby and that is saying something. The local eleven now in perfect training and running with the smoothness of a machine that should win the championship, will, however, be slightly handicapped by injuries. “Jay” Harrill, one of the most consistent performers in the big blue line, is out with a bad injury to his arm, and others on the squad are suffering from minor bruises and injuries.

Watch Them Fight

Coach Morris is not saying much about his chance for the championship—the Fetzers do not train their products to the talking game—but “Casey” has a dream that has something to do with a championship his first year as a coach. And there are seven or eight boys on the blue-jerseyed eleven that have a dream of four years they are fighting to make a reality this year. It’s the last season for about that many, and they want a championship football emblem to take out to college and in life with their baseball cup. Somebody has a fight on their hands to check that dream and those boys. All the group championships will be decided Friday. Shelby is expected to beat Mt. Holly; Charlotte is “doped” as victor over Winston, but it may be “dope.” Spencer should defeat their Salisbury neighbors, and High Point expects to stop Greensboro. Making it seem that the western title will be fought out between Charlotte, Shelby, Spencer and High Point or Greensboro.

Beginners Play Well

Tuesday afternoon, a mixed eleven of Shelby first stringers and reserves defeated Coach Johnny Hudson’s Piedmont eleven 31 to 0 in a game played here. The score however does not indicate the progress the Landale boys are making in their first year of football. Piedmont has had football teams heretofore but none of the boys on the present squad ever played prior to this year and their showing was a good one considering that five or six Shelby regulars were in against them all through the contest.

“Coon” Magness continued his spectacular playing and carried the pigskin for many fleeting yards during the afternoon. The remainder of the Shelby outfit played well in streaks as they were given the opportunity and “Bill” Pendleton, “scrub” quarter, will in another year ably plug Furchess’ berth at quarter. Rawls, big tackle for Piedmont, has the making of a great gridiron star and should be heard from at State, where he will enter next year. The Piedmont line-up included: Lee and Heavener, ends; Long and Rawls, tackles; Canipe and Carson, guards; Wesson, center; Weaver, quarter; Fox and Cottle, half backs; Whisnant, full back. Among the Shelby reserved who participated in addition to the regulars were: Dixon, Sparks, Elliott, Hopper, R. Beam, Callahan, Pendleton and others.

From the front page of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Friday, November 15, 1924

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