Saturday, January 15, 2022

Advertisements From The Salemite, Jan. 15, 1922

Kann's Fashion Shop for Women, Quality Hat Shop, advertisements from The Salemite, Jan. 15, 1922

When in Winston-Salem have O'hanlon's Hot Chocolat at The Rexall Store, Shoes from Hine's, Dobson-Sills, Shoes and hosiery, Winston-Salem, The Gift Shop, Milwards of New York, Watkins' Book Store, advertisements from The Salemite, Jan. 15, 1922

Rosenbacher & Bro, The store for the College Girl, Eisenberg's, Dresses, pretty sweaters, coats, coat suits for any occasion, Welfare's for light lunches, creams, sodas at the Girl's Drug Store, advertisements from The Salemite, Jan. 15, 1922

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