Monday, January 10, 2022

Jesse J. Lee Commits Suicide, Jan. 10, 1922

Roxboro Man Shoots Himself

Roxboro, Jan. 9—Jesse J. Lee killed himself at his residence on South Main Street, using a shot gun for the act Sunday morning. Poor health of long duration followed by recent operation is assigned the cause.

Mr. Lee was confined to his bed but after his wife left the room to go about some household duties it is presumed he arose, put on some clothing, fastened the door and prepared himself in this way for the deed. Following the report of the gun, the family upon rushing to the room found him seated in a chair with the gun between his knees with the head above the chin completely severed from his body. Fragments of the brain and skull were found scattered about the room. The deceased was 63 years of age and is survived by a wife and several children. The body was carried to Ebenezer today for burial.

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Jan. 10, 1922

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