Sunday, January 9, 2022

R.B. Beasley, 65, Died Suddenly in Tomlinson and Company's Store, Jan. 9, 1922

Mr. Beasley Died Suddenly Saturday

Mr. R.B. Beasley, a farmer of Evansdale, died suddenly in Tomlinson and Company’s store on Barnes street late Saturday afternoon. Mr. Beasley came into the store and sat down. Suddenly his body fell forward. Persons rushing to the man’s assistance found that he was dead. Heart failure probably caused his death.

Mr. Beasley was 65 years of age. He is survived by his wife and several children. The remains were taken to Apex where burial will take place today.

From the front page of The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., January 9, 1922

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