Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Statesville, Eufola, Dunlap, Bethany, Joyner School Notes, January 11, 1922


Mrs. D.C. Talley of Bennettsville has been the guest of Mrs. J.E. Colvert, Davie avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Morrison returned Tuesday from their honeymoon spent in eastern cities.

Mrs. J.H. Early and children of Winston remain the guests of Mrs. Early’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Davis.

Mrs. A.A. Fisher and little daughter are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Glover.

Messrs. S.J. Holland and J.B. Cooper are expected home this week from the National Automobile show in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Teague of Albemarle spent Tuesday in Statesville. They motored from Albemarle to Statesville to visit their son, who is a patient at Long’s sanatorium.

The many friends of Mrs. D.L. Pearce will be glad to learn she is improving nicely from a recent operation at Carpenter-Davis hospital.



We want to welcome Ulysses Pierce, who has moved into this community from near Elmwood, to the farm of E.D. Brady at Bradford’s cross roads.

Messrs. Press and Ferdinanda Smith of Fort Worth, Texas, are visiting their brother, W.H. Smith. Mrs. Hosea Huffman is seriously ill.

Rev. D.L. Miller is sick. He was not well enough to fill his appointment Sunday.

H.D. Dellinger has been in bed for several days with cold and la grippe.

Clarence Edward Deal, little three-year-old son of C.C. Deal, is sick with bronchial pneumonia

. J.P. Hagler of Lookout dam has been sick for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. R.C. deal are expecting their son, Fred Y., home from Camp Bragg, Fayetteville, Wednesday.

We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell, who have recently moved to the farm of Roy Little near Bradford’s cross roads.

Mrs. R.L. Bradford, who has been sick for several weeks, is improving.

J.C. Roseman, who was hurt last week by cranking a tractor, is improving.

M.L. Gant, who has had grippe, is improving.

Fulbright school is progressing nicely and is keeping up the average. The enrollment is 58. There were 40 on honor roll last month.



The Westminster league of Bethany church was to have met last Sunday, but was postponed on account of the rain.

Mrs. E.R. McAwley visited relatives in Mooresville last week.

Mrs. Helta Dunlap was the guest of relatives in Statesville last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Dunlap had as their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Dunlap of Charlotte.

Mrs. J.C. Steele of Statesville was the guest of relatives here last week.

There was a spelling match at the school last Thursday night. In spite of the weather there was a good attendance and a lively contest followed. Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Adams were the captains and the spelling match was a tie.



Some farmers have almost completed their winter plowing.

Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Summers of Reidsville are visiting relatives and friends here.

Messrs. Sidney Summers and Ed Johnson spent the week-end with their sister and brother Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Johnson of Hamptonville.

Messrs. Newton and Charles Pierce of North Wilkesboro spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Pierce of Olin.

Misses Ola and Sarah Summers spent a part of the holidays in Statesville with Misses Helen and Margaret Johnson and Myrtle Bradshaw.

E.P. Tharpe of Concord spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tharpe of Statesville.


Joyner School

The school is progressing nicely with full attendance.

Following is the honor roll for the second month, ending January 6:

Claree Joyner, Glenn Johnson, Nelia Renegar, Clinton Shore, Beveridge Reavis, Mary Lee Wooten, Kenneth Reavis, Edward renegar, Verlie Shore, Effie Cooke, Bessie Wooten, Olive Reavis, Mary Lee cooke, Era Renegar, Evelyn Cooke, Flora Lee Swink, Sallie Bet Renegar, Eva Steele, Otis Renegar, Hazel Renegar, Raymond Renegar, Aldean Renegar, Lucy Shore, Max Joyner, Parks Joyner, Jimmy cooke, Buxton Wooten, Taft Wooten, Hurlie Haynes, Dudley Haynes, Edna Reavis, Pearl Steelman, Bertha Wooten, Carrie Belle Johnson, Eldon Steelman, Osco Haynes, Elsie Steelman, Vaughan Swain, Howard Swink, Dee Shore.

There will be a spelling match at Joyner’s schoolhouse, Friday night, January 13

Miss Sina Joyner has been on the sick list for the past week.

J.C. Smith and Miss Claris Renegar were married Saturday.

From the front page of the Statesville Sentinel, Wednesday, January 11, 1922. Bethany and Joyner School news were on page 3.

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