Thursday, April 28, 2022

Doings in Mt. Zion, Chatham Church, Bear Creek, April 28, 1922

Mt. Zion Personals

Mrs. W.L. Moore and son, Horace, of Gulf, spent last Sunday with her mother, Mrs. N.B. Gunter.

Mr. and Mrs. Artemus Ray and children, of Biscoe, spent a few days last week with Mrs. W.B. Thomas.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Desern, of Raleigh, visited his father, C.T. Desern, last week.

Mrs. J.W. Griffin spent the weekend with her daughter. Mrs. G.G. Dorsette, of Sanford.

We are very glad to have Miss Lelia Johnson back with us again.

Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Bynum and children spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Bynum’s father, Mr. R.B. Clegg.

The Greenwood school, taught by Mrs. Fred Nooe, closed last Saturday with splendid exercises by the children. Hon. A.C. Ray made a talk.

Lee Harmon, one of the most progressive young men we know, has most completed his new bungalow. It is one of the nicest homes that new have seen in some time.


Chatham Church Notes

Mrs. H.C. Clegg Jr. spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beard, near Pittsboro.

Miss Lizzie Clegg is visiting her sister, Mrs. W.C. Henderson.

Miss Lelia Burns returned home Monday from teaching school at Oak Grove. Her school was out Friday.

Prof. W.C. Harward of Siler City visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harward, Sunday.

Relatives and friends are sorry to learn that Robert White is very sick, and his sister is also sick with flu. We hope they will soon recover.

Miss Stacey Eddins did not go to school last week on account of sickness.

Rev. J.R. Edwards of the Haw River circuit will preach at Chatham church Sunday, April 30th, at 3 o’clock. We hope to have a large congregation present.

Miss Frizzell Knight completed her school at Frosty and is now at home.

Percy Gunter of Greensboro returned to his work Saturday after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Gunter.

Mrs. J.T. Griffin and Mrs. A.B. Gunter visited Mrs. J.N. Holt Sunday.


Doings on Bear Creek No. 2

Bear Creek, Rt. 2, April 24—T.A. Beal, who was carried to the Charlotte Sanitorium Saturday, April 15th, returned to the Central Carolina hospital at Sanford Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. J.C. Cheek is improving, her many friends will be glad to hear.

E.J. McIver made a business trip to Pittsboro last week.

Mrs. W.M. Phillips of Swepsonville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. McIver.

Mrs. T.B. Moody is somewhat declining in health lately.

Messrs. J.W. Lloyd, J.W. Pierce and W.A. Coggins and T.B. Beal visited T.A. Beal in the hospital in Sanford during the week.

The Meronies school and the Wombles school both closed last week. Misses Dark were the teachers of the Meronies school, while Misses Alice Edwards and Eliza Rives were teachers of the Womble school.

Postmaster Phillips accompanied Carrier Beal on Rt. No. 2 Saturday.

The Bear Creek baseball team defeated the Goldston team at Goldston Saturday, 9 to 1.

From the front page of The News Record, Pittsboro, N.C., Friday, April 28, 1922

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