Monday, April 25, 2022

Earl Hartsell, R.S. Matthews on Honor Roll at State University, April 25, 1922

Stanly Boys on Honor Roll

A news dispatch from Chapel Hill dated April 22nd, which recently appeared in one of the state dailies, gave a list of the students who made the honor roll for the winter quarter at the State University, and among the few who gained this distinction were two Stanly men, Earl Hartsell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Titus Hartsell of near Locust, and R.S. Matthews, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Matthew of this city. The News-Herald congratulates these young Stanly men as well as their parents. The time has come when the young people of this county are learning that they can be at the head of the table in whatever they undertake, even in competition with the whole state, and more and more in the future we shall see evidence of this.

From the front page of the Stanly News-Herald, Albemarle, N.C., Tuesday, April 25, 1922

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