Saturday, April 30, 2022

Long, Williams, Ivey Destroy Thousand Gallons of Beer, April 30, 1922

Nearly Thousand Gallons Beer Destroyed by Police

Nearly a thousand gallons of beer were destroyed in a raid that was made last Tuesday night on a distillery about five miles west of Chapel Hill. A copper still of 70-gallon capacity was captured and brought to town. An effort was made to apprehend the owners of the place but the attempt was unsuccessful. The raiding party was made up of the police force, Long and Williams, and the township constable, Ivey.

Information concerning the distillery was brought into town Tuesday night about 9:30 o’clock and the posse soon afterward collected and set off for the place. It was found and raided that night and early next morning a cordon was stretched around the spot. No one came to dispute the ownership of the outfit. This still makes the fifth that has been captured in the last 20 days. A large number had been taken before the rush in business occurred.

From The Tar Heel, Extra edition, April 30, 1922

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