Friday, April 15, 2022

Sutton Killed, Caldwell Unconscious After Storm Leaves Dangling Wire, April 15, 1922

Canton Man Killed by Dangling Wire

Asheville, April 15—William Sutton was instantly killed and Robert Caldwell was rendered unconscious this morning in Canton as the result of coming in contact with a live wire which the storm in that section last night had misplaced.

Mr. Sutton was well known in Canton. He was 21 years old and was married a few weeks ago. Robert Caldwell, 65 years old, is not believed to be fatally injured.

During the storm last night wires of the Southern Bell Telephone Company became crossed with those of the Canton Electric Company bearing a voltage of 2,300, according to reports reaching the city. The wires were dangling across a public street and the two men, going to work this morning about 6:30 o’clock, came in contact with them.

From the Charlotte News, Saturday afternoon, April 15, 1922

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