Monday, April 18, 2022

King Lumber Company Will Construct First Bank, April 18, 1922

Contract Let for New Bank Building. . . First Bank Officials Awarded Work to Virginia Firm. . . King Lumber Company of Charlottesville Will Construct New Home for First Bank & Trust Co.

The contract for the First Bank & Trust Company’s modern new banking home, which will cost approximately $100,000, has been awarded to the King Lumber company of Charlottesville, Va., officials announced Saturday.

At an early date the actual work will begin looking towards the construction of the new building, which will be four stories high, with 47x130 feet in dimensions. Several factors will influence the time for the beginning of operations, one of which is the decision of the Asheville Telephone & Telegraph Company as to whether it will continue as renters in the new building. The latter has been made a proposition, it is understood, by the bank directors, which would provide special office facilities in the new structure.

The bank will establish temporary quarters in the offices of Smith, Jackson & Morris, while the present building is torn down and a new one constructed. F.S. Wetmur, R.M. Oates and J.O. Bell, directors of the banking house, constitute the building committee.

From the front page of The Hendersonville News, Tuesday, April 18, 1922

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