Saturday, June 3, 2023

Auto Hits Street Car, Bicyclist Hits Pedestrian, June 2, 1923

Auto Hits Street Car; None Injured. . . Driver Blinded by Lights of Another Auto—Woman Hit by Bicycle

A touring car driven east near the intersection of Angier and Holdman street Saturday evening about 9 o’clock by James E. Moses struck a street car in charge of Motorman Whitaker, resulting in a badly damaged door on the trolley car and a smashed fender on the automobile. Mrs. William Bourne and four children in the car escaped injury.

The driver of the auto declares that the lights of an automobile in front of his car blinded him for an instant. The accident was regarded as unavoidable, and no arrests were made.

Clifton Jones, riding a bicycle at Five Points Saturday evening about 9 o’clock struck Mattie Crabtree, a pedestrian, and sprained her ankle.

From page 10 of the Durham Morning Herald, June 3, 1923

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