Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Baker-McGuire Wedding June 12 in Asheville, June 14, 1923


A wedding of state-wide interest was that which took place at Grove Park Inn Tuesday, June 12, at high noon when Mrs. Janie Love Baker, formerly of Waynesville, but now of Winchester, Va., and Dr. Hunter H. McGuire of Winchester, Va., were married. The wedding ceremony took place in the private parlor of Grove Park Inn, Dr. R.F. Campbell, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Asheville, officiating. The bride wore a traveling costume of midnight blue with hat and accessories to match. Her step-son, Mr. Marshall Baker of Winchester, Va., gave her in marriage. Her niece, Miss Janie Love Mitchell, was her only attendant.

Immediately after the marriage ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served in the dining room of the hostelry, after which Dr. and Mrs. McGuire left Asheville for an extending wedding trip to Colorado Springs and the Pacific Coast. They will be at home in Winchester, Va., after July 7.

Mrs. Baker will be remembered in Waynesville as Miss Janie Love, daughter of the late Captain M.H. Love and Mrs. Love of Waynesville. This wedding will be of interest not only to her host of friends in Waynesville and North Carolina, but to the many cities in which she has lived here and abroad. She lived in Manila and the Philippines for a year, and has also traveled in China and Hawaii. She lived in Germany for two years, immediately following the World War, during which time she frequently traveled in England and throughout Europe.

Dr. McGuire, who is widely known as an eye specialist, is the son of Dr. William P. McGuire of Winchester, Va. Dr. McGuire is president of the Winchester Memorial Hospital and president of the Valley Medical Society, vice-president of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a member of the American Ophthalmological, the American Medical Association Society, and other medical and scientific organizations. He is a member of the Rotary Club, a member of the city school board, takes an active part in city affairs, and is one of the most prominent and popular men in Winchester.

Those present at the wedding ceremony and breakfast Tuesday were Mrs. R.H. Mitchell, Mrs. J.F. Abei, Mrs. H.G. West Jr. of Marietta, Ga., and Mrs. Hugh Love of Raleigh, sister of the bride; Miss Janie Love Mitchell, niece of the bride; Miss Sallie Moore of Chattanooga, Tenn., aunt of the bride; Mr. Marshall Baker of Winchester, Va., step-son of the bride.

From the front page of the Carolina Mountaineer and Waynesville Courier, June 14, 1923

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