Saturday, June 3, 2023

Durham Shriners Leave June 3, 1923, for National Convention in Washington, D.C.

Durham Shriners to Leave Sunday. . . Large Number of Local People to Attend Big Convention in Washington

A large number of Durham Shriners and their wives leave Durham Sunday evening for Washington, D.C., where they will attend the annual national Shriners convention. Some of them will go on a special Pullman car chartered to carry part of the local delegation, while others will go through the country in automobiles. Many of them will be accompanied by their wives. A great time is expected by all who are to attend.

The list, in part, of those who will go from Durham is as follows: C.E. Boesch and family, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Bowlng, John Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Glosson, B.W. Har, L.T. Harris, Julius Switzeer, B. Sickle, Mr. and Mrs. George Messner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rosenberg, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Love, Mr. and Mrs. Z.A. Rochelle, P.C. Milner, W.C. Bass, Dr. I.J. Stoner, Sam Guyes, Roy Levy, Dr. George A. Ross, Dr. D.K. Lockhart, E.W. Sears, Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Williams, W.F. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Spransey, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Isaacs, B.B. Sapp, D.A. Morris, Nat Hunter, W.W. Happer, Dr. J.H. Epperson, W.E. Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Neely, E.E. Clalpp, W.H. Pritchard, A.M. Harris, and W.W. Boddie.

From page 10 of the Durham Morning Herald, June 3, 1923

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