Wednesday, June 7, 2023

From Trustees of Livingstone College, June 7, 1923

Statement of the Trustees of Livingstone College to the Public

That the patrons of Livingstone College and interested public may know the attitude and action of the Trustees of the institute assembled in regular sessions, we announce the following:

First: We recognize the sore need of better physical equipment both in buildings and furnishings, with special reference to an Administration and recitation building, a central heat and light plant, a gymnasium and the general improvement and toning up of the buildings and grounds.

Second: We are deeply concerned about meeting the requirements for standardizing this institution and maintaining it as both a High School and College of the A Class as well as providing adequate training of ministers in our Seminary.

Third: Concerning the recent unpleasantness known as the ‘Strike,’ at Livingstone college, after surveying the matter carefully, having before us the report of the president, the representatives form the Alumni Association and the Committee on discipline, we express our deep regret and pain for such occurrence. We can not charge any individual or (word missing) but find several contributory causes. Among them: a misunderstanding between the Committee on discipline and the president; a lack of harmony in the faculty and a general laxity of discipline in the Institution.

The Trustees would have it known that the following actions have been taken:

First: Drawings and plans for a commodious, modern three-story brick building for Administration and recitation purposes, to be known as the Price Memorial Building were received and approved.

Second: We accepted with pleasure the proposal of the Alumni Association to erect a gymnasium.

Third: In filling the vacancies on the Trustee Board, among those appointed are the two named by the Alumni Association.

The Trustees being anxious to assure the success and continuous progress of Livingstone College, would invite hearty cooperation of the entire faculty, student body, patrons, alumni and general public in every effort and in every way commensurate with their deep interest and several abilities.

Respectfully submitted,

J.S. Caldwell, chairman

Jas. E. Mason, secretary

From the front page of The Star of Zion, Charlotte, Thursday, June 7, 1923. Star of Zion, the official organ of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.

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