Friday, June 16, 2023

In Our Neighboring Villages: Harrisburg, Georgeville, Buffalo, Mt. Pleasant, Faith, Enochville, Bear Creek, June 16, 1923

Happenings in Our Neighboring Villages


Only one new case of measles has been reported in our village lately.

Jerry Howie, the 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howie, died at the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte Sunday night, June 3rd, after a few weeks’ illness.

Mrs. J.H. Taylor and little daughter, Matilda Ann, are visiting Mr. Taylor’s parents here.

The Harrisburg Presbyterian Church will send as delegates to the Young People’s Conference at Davidson Misses Margaret Harris, Beulah Taylor, Francis Sims and Evelyn Barbee.

Mr. Ray Beaver, of this village, and Miss May Canup of Kannapolis were married at China Grove Saturday evening, June 2nd.

Miss Geneva McEachern of Linwood is the guest of Miss Annie Taylor this week-end.

Mrs. Will Sloop entertained at her home Saturday night the members of the Christian Endeavor Society. A number of games were played, after which a delicious course of cake and ice cream was served.

We are glad to report that Mr. John Alexander of Midland is recovering after a long spell of illness.


Harrisburg Route Three

We had rain last Tuesday, which was needed in this section.

People are almost through thinning cotton.

Miss Pearl Helms visited her sister, Mrs. George Barnett, last Sunday.

The meeting will begin at Prosperity Church the 7th of August. Rev. Mr. Simpson of Concord will be with Mr. Stroupe to do the preaching.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wallace have a sick child.

Miss Annie Okley Gray left yesterday to attend summer school.

Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Alexander, Mrs. Ella and Miss Betha Beard spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. Alice Ewart.

Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins and Mr. Willie Oehler of Charlotte spent Sunday evening with Mr. Martin Oehler.

Misses Annie Okley and Loma Gray spent one evening last week with Mrs. Dasie Alexander.


Mt. Pleasant, Route One

Mr. and Mrs. Krane Helms and children, of Concord, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Crayton.

Mr. and Mrs. Beechum Barbee of Kannapolis visited in Stanly Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Crayton and Mr. and Mrs. O. Honeycutt and children, of Concord, spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives and friends.

Mr. Oscar Hartsell made a business trip to Albemarle Saturday.

Miss Annie Smith is spending this week with her brother, Mr. Clyde Smith, near Georgeville.

Miss Beulah Little of Concord spent Saturday night with Miss anna Brooks. Mr. Reuben Page of Salisbury visited friends Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green, Mr. and Mrs. Connell, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Green, all of Concord, spent Sunday with friends.

Mr. D. Clark and son, Thurman, of Albemarle, visited friends Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coleman and three sons, of Concord, were visitors at Mrs. B.J. Coley’s Sunday.

Messrs. Marvin Teeter, Claude Whitley, Misses Mae Honeycutt and Jessie Lee Crayton spent awhile Sunday in Concord at Mrs. W.W. Bean’s.

Mr. Little of Union county visited in Stanly Saturday and Sunday.

Little Miss Panthy Helms of Concord is visiting her sister, Mrs. Carl Moneycutt.

--Kountry Kids

Buffalo, No. 5

Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Drye and several children spent Sunday in Rockwell.

Miss Mae Pless spent Saturday in Concord.

Misses Mary Mossman and Lillie Troutman spent the week-end with Miss Mae Cooke.

--Wild Rose.

Mt. Pleasant, Route Two

The farmers in this community are very busy harvesting. The rain which fell Tuesday was badly needed.

Mr. James Almond and family spent last Sunday evening in Albemarle.

Mr. Willis Hahn and family and Mr. James Scott and Mr. Jacob Lewis spent last Sunday evening at Mr. D.W. Page’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Millard Eudy of Albemarle are spending the week-end with home folks.

Misses Mary and Rebecca and Pollie Lewis, and Lenna and Bernice Hahn spent last Sunday evening with Miss Martha and Mrs. Electie Page.

Mr. Jefferson Shoe of Rockwell spent awhile last Sunday at Mr. G.E. Page’s.

There will be a service at the Herrin schoolhouse Sunday afternoon, June 17th, at 3 o’clock. Everybody is invited to attend.

--Farm Girl.


Miss Roxana Cauble came home from Wadesboro. She will remain at home until school starts up again.

R.L. Jones of the U.S.S. Mexico, is at home for awhile. He was in South America and while there he got two coins from that country and gave them to Venus for his collection. All the navy boys from Rowan County give Venus something for his collection. He is a fine young man and looks fine in his navy suit.

Miss Lillie Wiley of Concord is spending her vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Wiley.

We had a good rain June 12th.

Mr. Albert Brown has just had two more rooms added to his residence.

We attended the big sale below Organ Church. We got some old time things for our collection.

John Josey of near Faith has a drove all kinds of fowls except pea fowls. It is one of the queerest sights you ever saw to see them altogether in the yard. He has his incubator full of eggs. It is a sight to see them. He has a pony and a baby pony. George Carter bought the farm where the sale was right at the county line of Rowan and Cabarrus counties, and is known as the Billy Beaver farmer, consisting of 118 acres.



Born June 8th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Rampie.

Born June 11th, a 12-pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson.

Messrs. W.F., N.E., Fred and James Allman went fishing last Saturday.

Mrs. Dora Upright spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. H.S. Rumple.

[Rampie or Rumple??]

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson of Concord spent Sunday and Sunday night with their brother, Mr. John Thompson.

Mr. Chauncey Frieze and family were visitors Sunday at Mr. H.S. Rumple’s.

Mrs. Jane Overcash, having been recently injured in a fall, still continues to improve.

Mr. J.B. Pressley of Due West C.C., died last week after a lingering illness. Hope had been given up for his recovery by both relatives and the attending physicians since learning of his critical condition. A number of relatives from here attended the funeral services, including is father-in-law, Mr. H.A. Overcash, Mr. and Mrs. Otho Deal, Mr. Roy Thompson and Mr. Fred Powell.

Mrs. John Eagle and father are both confined to their home, the father being recently paralyzed.

--Busy Bee.

Bear Creek

The girls’ missionary Guild of Bear Creek Reformed Church is going to give an ice cream supper at the home of Mr. A.M. Penninger of No. 7 township, on Saturday night, June 23, 1923. Everyone is invited.

The girls’ missionary Guild met last Sunday evening with Miss Verna Lentz. New officers were elected for the next term. They were: President, Miss Ruth Penninger; vice president, Miss Grace Penninger; secretary and treasurer, Miss Estella Penninger. Two new members were received.


From the Concord Daily Tribune, June 16, 1923

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