Friday, June 2, 2023

Jon Smith Killed Because He Attacked Son's Wife, June 2, 1923

Killed His Father for Attacking Wife

Goldsboro, June 1—Testifying in his own behalf, Dewey Smith, charged with the murder of his father, Jon E. Smith, wealthy Wayne County farmer, today declared that his father had attacked his wife on four occasion. The last occurred on the day of the tragic slaying of his father with an axe on April 18, and the other four days before the killing, the defendant stated.

His wife, who also testified, corroborated all her husband said, declaring that her husband’s father once forced the door while she was bathing, and that on the morning he was killed he had seized her while in her bedroom. Each time she escaped him.

The elder Smith, though he was about 70 years of age, was held last summer in police court here on a charge of attempted assault on a 14-year-old girl, was fined, and given a suspended road sentence.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, June 2, 1923

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