Monday, June 5, 2023

Mrs. C.H. Cheatham, J.R. Perkinson, H.L. Perry Have Died, June 5, 1923

Funeral and Burial of Mrs. C.H. Cheatham This Afternoon. . . The Interment Will be at the Home Place at 5:30 O’clock

Mrs. C.H. Cheatham, a most estimable lady, died at her home on Oxford Route 3 yesterday at noon.

The funeral and burial services will take place from the home this afternoon at 5:30 o’clock, conducted by Rev. E.M. Snipes, pastor of the Oxford Methodist Church, of which Mrs. Cheatham was a devoted member.

Mrs. Cheatham had not been in sound health for several years, but she was of cheerful disposition and only intimate friends knew that she was not in the best of health.

Mrs. Cheatham has a sinking spell last Sunday morning from which she rallied Monday, and realizing that the end was near she called the family to the bedside and told them that she was resigned to the Master, naming two of her favorite hymns that she wished to be sung, a favorite passage of scripture and the place where she desired to be laid to rest.

Mrs. Cheatham is survived by a devoted husband, who is a member of the Granville County Board of Education, and one daughter, the wife of Dr. McDowell of Zebulon, who was with her mother when the end came, and three devoted sons, namely: Hamilton Jr., Gordon and Graham. She was a sister of Mrs. Ira Howard of Oxford.

The pallbearers as announced are: Active—J.E. Jackson, J.F. Webb, J.M. Baird, D.K. Taylor, Will Brumitt, J.S. King. Honorary—Dr. E.T. White, W.Z. Mitchell, M.P. Chamblee, C.H. Easton, E.L. Smith, A.A. Hicks, J.B. Powell, Oscar Breedlove, C.G. Credle, B.E. Parham, A.W. Graham Jr., W.T. Yancey, W.W. Fuller, B.W. Parham, W.T. Blackwell, J.T. Cozart, R.L. Brown, F.M. Pinnix, F.F. Lyon, Hal Holeman, W.H. Hunt, Ernest Jones, J.A. Betcher.


Mr. J.R. Perkinson Dead. . . Prominent Citizen of Granville Laid to Rest at Stovall

Mr. John R. Perkinson, age 64, died at his home in Stovall last Saturday night following a stroke of paralysis three months ago. He was rates as one of the best men of the county. He was an active member of the Stovall Baptist Church and a mason of high degree. He was a most courteous gentleman and will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

Mr. Perkinson was engaged in farming for many years; he believed in living at home and he provided well for his household and was a kind neighbor and deep sympathizer with all in distress. He is survived by a son and daughter, namely: Mr. L.F. Perkinson of Oxford and Miss Jessie Perkinson, who made her home with her father.

The funeral was held from the Stovall church Sunday afternoon, conducted by Pastor C.A. Upchurch and Rev. J.D. Harte, pastor of the Oxford Baptist Church. The interment was in the sacred grounds at Stovall. The Masons had charge of the ceremonies, and it was the largest assembly of Masons in Northern Granville in many years, a large number from Oxford and the lodges in that part of the county participating in the last sad rites. The pallbearers were: Oscar Breedlove, John Williams, Roy Frazier, J.T. Woody, Erastus Hobgood, Henry Shanks, Carson Tillotson, J.T. Daniel.


Mr. H.L. Perry Dead. . . Nephew of Messrs. John G. and A.S. Hall of Oxford

Mr. Henry Leslie Perry Jr., only son of Col. Henry Perry, Clerk of the Superior Court, and Mrs. Perry Of Henderson passed away yesterday after being confined to his bed by illness for about 15 months. A turn for the worse came Sunday and an operation yesterday morning by Dr. Willis of Richmond proved of no avail. Mr. Perry was 36 years of age. He served two terms as mayor Henderson and was a young lawyer of great promise.

The funeral will be conducted from Holy Innocents church this afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, Rev. I.W. Hughes officiating. Mr. Perry’s 11 first cousins will serve as active pallbearers: S.P. Cooper, Bennett Perry, Perry Rose, A.A. Zollicoffer, J.P. Zollicoffer, Allison Cooper, D.Y. Cooper, Sam and John Perry Hall of Oxford, Edwin Perry of Louisburg. [Article says 11 cousins, but only 10 names are listed.]

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, June 5, 1923

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