Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Fined in Columbus County Court, April 3, 1924

County Court Takes in Good Big Sum in Fines. . . Nearly $200 in Way of Fines at Tuesday’s Session of Columbus County Court

No road sentences grew out of Tuesday’s session of the county court but, in a way of speaking, the county is better off to the amount of nearly $200 as a result of the day’s proceedings. The parties charged with infractions of the law poorer to extent of a corresponding sum, and in addition, a considerable amount came out of their pockets to pay costs.

In detail, the cases disposed of were as follows:

Rufus Johnson, assault with deadly weapon, prayer for judgment continued upon the payment of costs.

Douglas Williams, assault with deadly weapon, $25 and costs.

Andrew Shipman, assault with deadly weapon, $25 and costs.

Jas. Mosley, assault, $5 and costs.

Harry and Bruce Richardson, intimidating witnesses, $25 each and costs.

Bruce Richardson, assault, $10 and costs.

Harry Richardson, assault, $10 and costs.

Henry Bellamy, driving automobile while intoxicated, judgment suspended upon payment of costs.

From the front page of the News Reporter, Whiteville, N.C., Thursday, April 3, 1924

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