Sunday, May 12, 2024

H.C. MacNair Shares Maxton News, May 12, 1924

Blind Tigers Are Getting Bold Up Maxton Way. . . Five Miscreants Bagged—Some Filling Stations Under Suspicion—Heavy Rain—Big Advertisement for Stephens Revival

By H.C. MacNair

Maxton, May 12—Blind tigers are getting hold in these parts. Mr. W.W. Smith and Mr. Coltrop, rural policeman and town policeman, respectively, went out Saturday night and Sunday and bagged five miscreants. All at or near the Alma filling station on the cement highway.

Advie Grooms of Rowland section, white man, was found with too much liquor in his car and both were taken in tow. He was released on bond.

Frank McKenzie and Golder Tulds of near Laurinburg, white men, were charged with drunk and disorderly conduct on the highway. Jno. Register, also white, was charged with the same offense, as well as Fullerson Locklear, an Indian.

We understand that a petition will be made or has been made to abolish some of these filling stations that do not regulate or keep proper conduct. It is even hinted that owners of some of them handle the liquor, or know who does, and connive with those who do handle it.

Rev. E.L. Siler and Elder W.J. Curris leave this week for Texas as delegates to the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church South. They will be absent about 15 days.

Dr. T.W. Watson’s genial face has appeared on our streets. After an absence of about 12 months. He has been taking special training in a St. Louis, Mo., hospital., He will leave for Wilmington after a short rest, where he will associate himself with Dr. Sedberry in his hospital work.

Dr. Milton R. Gibson, former resident physician, now a specialist in eye, ear and nose diseases in Raleigh, spent a few hours in our city Saturday, much to the delight of his many friends here.

Heavy rain fell here Sunday, flooding fields and roads. Rain was needed, however, to bring up crops, especially the late-planted cotton, much of which is very poor stand.

The enterprise The Robesonian is getting out daily is generally commented on; it certainly gives big advertisement to the Stephens revival meeting going on in Lumberton, and many speak of going to hear the renown evangelist. The trip to Lumberton to “Big meetin” in an automobile takes about the same time as it took some of us years ago to go to Center church when we drove mules to the carriage to big meetings. Center is five miles; Lumberton 23.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., May 12, 1924

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