Thursday, June 13, 2024

600 Leaders in Boys' and Girls' Club Work Attend Summer School at N.C. State, June 13, 1924

600 Boys and Girls Will Attend School. . . To Be Conducted for Winners of Various Phases of Club Work

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, N.C., June 13—three hundred boys and 300 girls who have won the championships in their home counties in the various phases of Boys’ and Girls’ Club work will come to the State College of Agriculture on June 23 to attend the shortest course for club members to be given during the summer school, according to an announcement made public here today at the college. A number of these boys and girls will have a part or all of their expenses paid by some business organization which is interested in promoting more and better club work. A trip to the short course is a coveted reward and honor in the eyes of these young folks and to some of them it will be their first trip away from home, it was stated by S.J. Kirby, Assistant State Agent in charge of boys’ club work. Miss Maud Wallace, Assistant State Agent, in charge of girls’ work, it was announced, will be in charge of the girls while they are at the college.

According to these workers fond mothers need not worry about what will happen to their sons during the week they are away from home, because every single boy or girl will be under the supervision of members of the agricultural extension division force both day and night. The boys will stay in groups during the day and will sleep in one of the dormitories during the night. The course for the girls will be under the direction of the home demonstration division, and a separate dormitory will be used to house these young ladies while they attend college, it was explained.

The boys and girls selected to attend this course range in age from 12 to 19 years. Each club member who comes with his expenses paid has been awarded the trip for excellence in club activity last year and in the campaigns so far conducted this year. According to Mr. Kirby the cream of the youth of North Carolina will be seen on the college campus during the week of June 23rd. Mornings will be spent in classes and the afternoons will be given over to field trips, demonstrations, recreation and sight seeing about the Capital City and county.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Friday, June 13, 1924. Boys' and Girls' Club Work was the beginning of 4-H.

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