Sunday, June 16, 2024

Local News From Lumberton, June 16, 1924

Items of Local News

--Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Regan announce the birth of a son, Duncan C. Jr., on June 3rd, weight 10 pounds.

--Mr. J.H. Wideman of Fitzgerald, Ga., who graduated at Georgia Tech last week, has accepted a position at the Jenning Cotton Mill.

--Miss Ruby Neal Thompson left Saturday for Asheville, where she will attend the summer school for teachers.

--Misses Sara and Hazel Carlyle and Mr. and Mrs. Sand McLeod spent Thursday afternoon on the Maxton golf links. They were the guests of Mr. George Clark.

--Mr. Reddin Britt returned last week from the University of Georgia, where he has been a student in the medical college for the past two years.

--Miss Jeanette Biggs returned last week from Columbia University, New York City, where she received an M.S. degree. Miss Biggs also holds a B.S. degree from Meredith College, Raleigh.

--Mr. James Albert Seay has been transferred from the cotton mill offices to the Jennings Mill Store, where he will assume the duties of Mr. F.M. McDaniel, who is undergoing treatment at Mayo brothers hospital in Rochester, Minn.

--The social that was to have been given at the Union Tabernacle Thursday night of this week by members of the Presbyterian church has been postponed till a later date on account of sickness in the home of one of the members.

--Miss Mabel Mason, who is pleasantly remembered here as the youthful stra(?) of the mason stock company, was a Lumberton visitor last week. Her company will not be here this year but is showing at Laurinburg and other nearby towns.

--Mr. Marcus Prevatt left yesterday for Fairmont, where he has accepted a position with the firm of Stephens & Barnes. Mr. Prevatt will have charge of the undertaking and embalming department, having recently returned from Raleigh where he took a special course in the work.

--Mr. and Mrs. Harold Humphrey spent the week-end here with Mr. Humphrey’s parents. They returned yesterday to Wake Forst, where Mr. Humphrey is attending the summer law school preparatory to taking the State Bar examination next August.

--Mr. A.H. Hinds, proprietor of Hind’s Meat Market, has gone to considerable expense in improving his place of business. He has installed a freezing display counter and electrical equipment for the manufacture of sausages. New screen work has also been added.

--Mrs. J.E. Phillips returned yesterday to her home in Badin after spending some time in and near Lumberton visiting relatives and friends. She came to be with her mother, Mrs. Lora Howell of R. 3 from Lumberton, who suffered a stroke of paralysis recently and whose condition is very much improved.

--A truck inscribed with the legend “Lumberton Family Laundry” has made its appearance on the streets of the city, and machinery is already being installed in the building formerly occupied by the Tyner Motor Company. This concern will soon be ready for business, notice of which will appear in a later issue of The Robesonian.

--Mr. J.J. Schilling will spend this week in Lumberton securing memberships in the Carolina Motor club, of which he is district manager. A.W. McLean of Lumberton is a director of the club, membership in which affords motorists many worthwhile advantages. The Townsend Motor Company is the official approved garage of the club for Lumberton.

--A party from Maxton passed through town Saturday afternoon en route to Lake Waccamaw to spend the week-end. There were several cars and the members of the party were as follows: Misses Mattie Neal McLeod, Marjorie McLeod, Lena Carter and Elizabeth Currie of Maxton, Miss Lois Rogers of San Antonio, Texas, and Miss Margaret McClure of Tarboro; Messrs. Arthur McKinnon, Clyde McLeod, Alton Greene, Henry Carter, of Maxton, and John Simpson of Greensboro.

--Mrs. A. Nash and daughter, Miss Roberta, left Saturday morning for Rosemary, where they will spend a month with Mrs. Nash’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Nash. From Rosemary Mrs. Nash and daughter will go to Baltimore, where they will spend some time with Mrs. Nash’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G.S. Hinkins. From Baltimore they will go to Long Island, N.Y., where they will spend a month with another son and daughter-in-law of Mrs. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. S.K. Nash. They expect to return to Lumberton during the first of September.

--Mr. Frank Gough Jr., who has been in school at Albion, Michigan, the past year, arrived home Saturday.

--Mr. Romulus Hedgpeth spent the week-end in Raleigh.

--Mrs. Russell S. Beam returned yesterday morning from Baltimore, where she spent two weeks under treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Her condition is much improved. she was accompanied home by her sister-in-law, Miss Kate Beam of Washington. Miss Beam delighted the congregation at Chestnut Street methodist church last evening with a vocal solo.

--Miss Mary Cooper Hooker, who was operated on for tonsils at the Thompson hospital early last week, returned yesterday to her home at Kinston. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. T. McM. Grant, and the latter’s baby daughter, Ruby, who will spend a week or 10 days in Kinston.

--The condition of Mr. Archie McLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.T. McLean, who has been suffering for several days with a sore leg, is improved today.

--Mr. Orrin Flowers, who had been sick at his home for a few days, was able to be out Saturday.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Monday, June 16, 1924

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