From The Carolina Mountaineer,
Waynesville, N.C., June 4, 1925
The Flittings to and
Fro of the Traveling Public
Mrs. Ira Thackston
was an Asheville visitor on Monday.
L.A. Miller motored to Asheville Tuesday on business.
Mrs. R.O. Covington was an Asheville visitor on Monday
Mr. J.W. Hart of Asheville spent Tuesday in town on
Mrs. Charles R. Thomas was an Asheville visitor during the
Mrs. Clarence Miller Jr. was an Asheville visitor on
Mrs. W.L. Kirkpatrick was an Asheville visitor on Saturday.
Mr. H. Arthur Osborne of Canton spent Saturday in town on
Hon. M.D. Kinsland of Pigeon spent Saturday in town.
Mr. Z.C. Davis of Iron Duff was in town on Saturday.
Mrs. Rogers Boone was an Asheville visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Harbeck and Mr. W.R. Hardbeck Jr. motored
to Asheville on Monday.
Mrs. S.H. Bushnell and Miss Eleanor Bushnell spent Monday in
Asheville shopping.
Miss Mary Quinlan, student at Fassifern, returned home on
Monday night.
Miss Hazel Cubberley of Gainsville, Fla., is the guest of
Miss Janet Quinlan.
Mr. Dick Covington attended the finals at Fassifern the
first of the week.
Roy Campbell, E.K. McGee and J.D. Boone were Sunburst
visitors Friday.
S.H. Kelley and his brother visited their former home in
Tennessee last week.
H.G. Stone, the realtor, has sold the George Smathers home
on Daisy Avenue.
S.H. Kelley and J.D. Boone were visitors in Clyde, Canton
and Asheville yesterday.
Mrs. Chas. E. Quinlan attended the commencement exercises at
Fassifern School for Girls, Hendersonville.
Mr. and Mrs. John Way Kirkpatrick had as their guest for the
weekend Miss Mary Flowe of Kannapolis.
Misses Janie Love Mitchell and Dorothy Thomas motored to
Asheville Saturday.
Mr. William Smather of Asheville was guest of his
grandmother, Mrs. B.F. Smathers, on Friday.
Miss Virginia Welch, who has been a student at Salem College
for the past year, returned home on Wednesday.
Miss Janet Quinlan, member of the senior class of ’26,
Randolph-Macon College, returned home for the summer vacation on Wednesday
Mr. T. Lenoir Gwyn left Tuesday for the eastern part of the
state on a business trip in connection with his work for the Division of
Mrs. Joe Rose and small daughter, of Miami, Fla., are the
guests of the latter’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. B.F. Smathers.
Dr. J. Howell Way returned Sunday from Raleigh, where he
attended a meeting of the N.C. State Board of Health on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Hoffman of Sylva spent the week-end in
town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Green.
Miss Una Plott, a member of the faculty of the Canton City
schools, left Wednesday to spend her vacation in Kentucky and Virginia.
Miss Evelyn Rector of the Canton City school will leave
Thursday for Greensboro, where she will spend a few weeks visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. E.K. McGee and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Green
worshipped at Canton Baptist Church Sunday morning.
The following who have been students at Davenport College,
returned home last week: Misses Florence and Winnie Price, Margaret Blackwell,
Winnie Leatherwood, Elizabeth McLean and Dorothy Seaver.
Mrs. R.L. Lee spent Monday in Asheville.
Mrs. J.T. Quisenberry spent Saturday in Asheville.
Mr. Hoyt Covington arrived Thursday from Chapel Hill.
Mr. John McD. Michal of Woodrow spent Monday in town.
Miss Sarah Hill Hanna has returned from Lexington.
Mrs. C.F. Rhinehart of Canton was a Waynesville visitor on
The many friends of Mr. W.T. Lee are glad to see him in town
this week.
Mrs. N.M. Medford and Mrs. Alden Howell Jr. spent Thursday
in Asheville.
Miss Virginia Rotha spent last week in Asheville, the guest
of Mrs. Williams.
Mrs. John L. Ferguson of Whittier was the guest last week of
her sister, Mrs. S.J. Shelton.
Miss Braxton Kirk, who has been studying at the University
of Kentucky, has arrived home.
Miss Wilda Crawford left this week for Cullowhee, where she
goes to attend the summer school.
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Howell of West Asheville for formerly of
Waynesville, spent Monday in town.
Miss Louise McCraeker of Clyde is assisting in the office of
the Register of Deeds for the next few week.
Mr. J.D. Hood of Florida has recently rented the attractive
bungalow of Mr. Joe Tate for the summer season.
Misses Margaret and Mary Ray, students during the last year
at St. Genevieve’s, Asheville, have arrived home.
Miss Elizabeth Quisenberry arrived Wednesday from Brenau
College, Gainesville, Ga., for the summer vacation.
Miss Isabel Ferguson, who has just graduated from Agnes
Scott College with high honors, returned home on Friday.
Mr. Claude Haynes and Rev. C.T. Tew attended the reception
in Clyde on Tuesday evening given for Rev. L.B. White.
Mr. J.W. Dalton, National Bank examiner, with headquarters
in Charlotte, spent Saturday in town on official business.
Bebe Gilmer, little daughter of Mrs. Branner Gilmer,
returned home from St. Jeneive of the Pines, Asheville, this week.
Mrs. Robert H. Breese arrived Thursday from Raleigh to spend
some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ray.
Mr. Ray Morgan and son Jasper Morgan left Tuesday for Wake
Forest. Mr. Morgan goes to attend a reunion of his class of 1905.
Judge W.J. Hannah leaves Sunday for Chapel Hill where he
goes to attend the finals, his son being a member of the graduating class.
The sewing circle of the Presbyterian Church held a
delightful joint meeting on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lena B.
Among those who left this week for the summer school at
Cullowhee were Misses Ora and Eula Patterson, Mary Tucker and Sara Thomas.
Harry Davis and John Boyd left Tuesday for Loudonville,
Ohio, where Harry Davis has purchased a Buick bus. They will drive it back
through the country.
Mrs. Curtis Logan was the hostess of the meeting of Circle
No. 1 of the
Methodist Church at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J.F.
Abel, on Tuesday afternoon.
Misses Elizabeth and Edna Garrett, young daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Noble Garrett, are the guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.F.
Moody in Franklin.
H.G. Stone recently sold the Messer farm in Fairview section
to Mr. A.B. Moone of Boklia, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Moone and family will have their
summer home there.
Miss Annie Welch left during the week for an extended visit
to Gastonia, Burlington and Raleigh. While in Raleigh she will attend the
commencement exercises at Peace Institute.
Mrs. K.E. Montgomery and children left last week for
Lawrenceville, Ill., to be the guests of relatives for some time, not returned
to Waynesville before the first of August.
Mrs. J.T. Mangum, Mrs. J.K. Boone and Mrs. R.L. Noland
attended the District meeting of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Church
held in Andrews last week.
Miss Florida Kent, instructor of physical education in the
high school for the past year, has remained over for a week’s visit to Miss
Janie Love Mitchell, before returning to her home in Georgetown, S.C.
Dr. and Mrs. C.C. Curtis of New York are the guests of Mrs.
J.M. Gwyn at Springdale. Mrs. Curtis before her marriage was Miss Elsie Gwyn
and at one time taught in the Waynesville schools.
Rev. J.T. Mangum and daughter, Miss Edith, left Tuesday by
motor for Selma, Ala., where they have gone to attend the marriage of Mrs.
Mangum’s sister, Miss Elsie Hoper to Mr. Letches Calhoun Mitchell. Miss Hoper
was a popular Waynesville visitor last summer.
Mrs. Sarah K. Haynes, Worthy Matron, and Alta B. Moore,
Associate Matron, will leave for Wilmington, N.C., June 6th to
represent Oak Leaf Chapter No. 81 O.E.S. at the state meeting of the Grand
Chapter, which convenes June 9th.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Reed and guest, Mrs. J.W. Allen, are
leaving the first of the week for Durham to attend commencement at Trinity
College. They will be accompanied home by Mr. Mint Reed, who has been a student
at Trinity for the past year.
Mrs. Chas. E. Ray, Mrs. Bonner Ray and Mr. Wilfor Ray are
leaving Sunday by motor for Chapel Hill where they go to attend the finals at
State University. Mr. Chas. E. Ray Jr. is a member of the graduating class and
will receive the degree of B.S. in electrical engineering.
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