Thursday, January 13, 2022

Board of Directors for The Union Herald, Jan. 12, 1922

The Union Herald

Published by Capital Printing Co.

Phone 1351

Corner Hargett and Wilmington Sts. (Basement)


(Appointed by Central Labor Union)

W.F. Moody, Chairman

J.F. McMahon, Machinists

D.K. Whitaker, R.R. Carmen (Beulah Lodge)

E.T. Kerschner, R.R. Carmen (Beulah Lodge)

J.P. Taylor, Boilermakers

W.S. Burrus, Railway Clerks

W.A. Faucette, Typographical

“Bud” Bashford, Bookbinders

T.P. Pool, Barbers

T.V. Ruth, Electricians

E.J. O’Keefe, Carpenters

W.R. Scruggs, Pressmen

William T. Davis, Plumbers

L.M. Warring, Musicians

C.F. Koonce, Delegate-at-Large

From The Union Herald, Raleigh, Thursday, January 12, 1922

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