Friday, January 7, 2022

Booze Laden Ship Released by Treasury Officers, Jan. 7, 1921

Booze Laden Ship Given Release By Treasury Officers. . . Clean Slate Is Found Upon Examination of Papers; Hard Luck Is Blamed. . . Seminole on Way to This Port With Ship

Washington, Jan. 6—The British schooner Messenger of Peace, laden with more than 1,000 cases of whiskey, which ran upon the Ocracoke bar, off the North Carolina coast several days ago, and was later seized by customs officials, today was given a clean bill of health by the treasury department.

The schooner’s clearance papers were found to be in proper shape, and investigation disclosed that she was in her proper course at the time she met with mishap, and attracted the attention of life-saving crews at one of the North Carolina coast stations.

Inquiry developed that the vessel sailed from the Bahamas with the liquor cargo, destined for a West Indian port, and that there was no purpose to land the whiskey on American soil.

While no instructions have been received by local federal officers concerning the disposition of the Messenger of Peace, it is believed that immediately upon the receipt of instructions from Washington, which may be wirelessed to the Seminole at sea, the Messenger of Peace will be allowed to proceed to her destination.

No federal officials here have received any instructions concerning what disposition will be made of the “Messenger of Peace” upon her arrival. The Seminole was expected to reach Wilmington with the “Messenger of Peace” in tow early this afternoon.

From the front page of The Wilmington Morning Star, Saturday, January 7, 1922

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