Friday, January 7, 2022

Two Bombs Explode in Trinity College Dormitory; Are They Pranks? Jan. 7, 1921

Trinity Explosion Is Explained as “Prank”. . . Another Miniature Blast Knocks Plaster from Wall

Durham, Jan. 6—The explosion of a quantity of powder which had been confined in a talcum powder can, in a closet in Alspaugh hall Trinity college dormitory, this afternoon, seems to point to the fact that the lead pipe bomb which was set off in an unused room of the building at 2 o’clock Thursday morning was a school boy prank.

The explosion of the talcum can bomb this afternoon occurred in a closet of the room where the affair of the night before had taken place. A quantity of plaster was knocked from the wall of an adjoining bathroom, where a student was taking a bath. Night Watchman Humphries, at Trinity, has been sure that the person whom he chased from a roof in the rear of the dormitory after the detonation of Thursday night was not a student. He now things that he must have been mistaken and that it was some student preparing to raise another racket to disturb his companions. College authorities are investigating.

From the front page of The Wilmington Morning Star, Saturday, January 7, 1922

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