Saturday, April 9, 2022

Jake Tomlinson Dead in Apparent Suicide, April 9, 1922

Found Dead After Pistol Shot Heard

Wilson, April 8—Following the report of a pistol, Jake Tomlinson, wholesale and retail grocer and holder of valuable city properties, was found dead in his room at his home on west Broad street at 5:30 o’clock this morning. Deceased was injured about the head several weeks ago in an unavoidable automobile accident and since then is said to have not been the same. This, coupled with the belief that he had cancer of the stomach, caused despondency. His family and intimate friends are of the opinion that his death was accidental because he always slept with a pistol under his pillow. He was shot in the temple.

From the front page of the Wilmington Star, Sunday, April 9, 1922.

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