Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Let Easter Be Your Inspiration, April 13, 1922

Let Easter Be a Day of Inspiration

Isn’t it true that in the seeming hustle, bustle and striving of business life we all sometimes lose sight of the true meanings of events, occasions, days or seasons?

Isn’t this true, more or less, in regard to Easter? Are we permitting self glory, desires, ambitions, commercialisms to overshadow the day and rob us of inspirations which should mean for us happiness, peace, plenty?

These few words are not aimed to preach creed nor form. Instead they are grouped in a new form of sincere invitation to every person in Rutherford county to visit his or her church on Easter. To let it be a day of inspirations—inspirations to all that is best in them.

Easter commemorates the resurrection of the Christ. An occasion which was the living proof of the victory of Life over Death. And if that be so, then frail human fears, worries, jealousies, despairs are all useless. It is to us to look to the source of our being—and we are at least striving to do this when we attempt to live the Christianity we all know—Each in his own way.

So visit your church Easter Sunday. It will give you the inspirations to strive anew in meeting your work-a-day problems—dealing with fellowmen—as you would be dealt with.

It’s well worth the effort.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, April 13, 1922

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