Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Plant Fruit Trees Along Highways, April 5, 1922

Trees for the Highways

The Newton and Hickory Kiwanis are promoting a tree-planting move for the new highway between these two town and The Hickory Record is wisely advocating that fruit trees be selected. The Observer has often in the past referred to the German plan adopted years ago of planting fruit-bearing trees along the highways does not need much shade, but a number of trees planted under a system that would not promote injury by shading the surface of the roads is an attainment eminently to be desired. The endeavor of the Kiwanis cubs is one worthy of emulation by organizations in all progressive communities, and when they get started into the tree-planting business, it might be profitable to give some attention to the possibilities of the pecan.

From the Charlotte Observer, as reprinted on the front page of the Davie Record, Mocksville, N.C., April 5, 1922

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