Sunday, July 10, 2022

Cuthbert Martin, Mrs. C.G. Hatch, J.B. Brinkley Have Died, July 10, 1922

Remains of Mr. Martin Laid to Rest Sunday. . . Beautiful Service Held at Late Residence

Funeral services for Cuthbert Martin, prominent Wilmington business man, whose death occurred at his home early Saturday morning, was held from the late residence, 420 South Front street, yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock. The service was conducted by the Rev. W.H. Milton, D.D., rector of St. James’ Episcopal church, assisted by the Rev. W.H. Wheeler, assistant rector. Interment was made in Oakdale cemetery.

Hundreds of friends of the deceased and his family gathered at the home and as many as could possible hear the beautiful service did so. It was one of the most impressive funeral services ever to be held in the city, and the music, furnished by a selected quartette, added a touch of solemnity that showed on all those in attendance.

With the casket completely covered with the most lovely floral designs, and scores of other designs there to be sent to the grave, the body was borne from the home to the last resting place, with sorrowing friends from every walk of life following the hearse.

Deceased was active in all matters for the advancement of his city. For many years he conducted the Peoples Supply company, and was considered one of the city’s leading business men. He was a director and vice-president of the Commercial National bank, a member of Orient lodge, A.F. & A.M., and was past master of Plantagenet commandery, Knights Templar, members of which had an active part in the funeral service, with the latter appearing in their regalia.

The pallbearers were: Honorary, Dr. W.E. Storm, George W. Chestnut, John W. Bolles, W.B. Cooper, C.E. Bethea, Louis J. Skinner, M.J. Corbett, William Lattimer, Dr. James Sprunt, D.L. Gore, H.C. McQueen, John S. McEachern and M.S. Willard; active, Dr. Gabe H. Croom, Clayton Giles, James H Cowan, H.G. Lattimer, Dr. J.F. Robertson and Charles Yates.



Died at the home of her son, J.E. Hatch, 426 South Fourth street, Mrs. C.G. Hatch, at 5:30 o’clock on the afternoon of July 9, in the 70th year of her age. Funeral services at the late residence this (Monday) afternoon at 4:30 o’clock.


Funeral Service Today for Mrs. C.G. Hatch

Mrs. C.G. Hatch, mother of J.E. and W.G. Hatch, passed away at 5:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon at the home of her son, J.E. Hatch, 426 South Fourth street.

Mrs. Hatch had been in declining health for two years and the end was not unexpected. She was a native of Georgia but made Wilmington her home for the past 18 years, and was 70 years of age.

The deceased is survived by the following relatives: Two sons, J.E. and W.G. Hatch; one sister, Mrs. O.P. Hargis, and one brother, both of Atlanta, Ga., and the following grandchildren: Mrs. S.L. Schulken, Mrs. S.G. Moore of Greensboro; Edward, Fred, Walter and Samuel Hatch, and also two great-grandchildren, all of Wilmington.

Funeral services will be conducted this afternoon at 4:30 o’clock at the home of J.E. Hatch, 426 South Fourth street, by Dr. Edwin F. Keever, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran church, assisted by Rev. John B. Gibble, pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd.


Funeral Service Held Here for J.B. Brinkley. . . Large Number of Sorrowing Friends Attend Service

Funeral service for J.B. Brinkley, who died suddenly at his farm near Freeman, Friday, was held at the graveside at Oakdale cemetery yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The service was conducted by the Rev. O.W. Dowd, pastor of Fifth Avenue Methodist church, assisted by the Rev. W.A. Stanbury, pastor of Grace Methodist church.

There were a large number of sorrowing friends of the deceased, including many from elsewhere who attended the service.

The pallbearers were: Honorary, L.C. Clifton, W.H. Pemberton, Thomas J. Pae, E.P. Weathersbee and B.D. Farmer; active, H.M. Foard, H.E. O’Keefe, J.B. Huntington, Sigmund Bear, A.P. Merritt and A.H. Lennon, of Freeman. Interment was in Oakdale cemetery.

From The Wilmington Morning Star, Monday, July 10, 1922

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