Friday, July 15, 2022

Evangelist Warns Satan Is Taking Over the Nation, Says Best People Belong to KKK, July 15, 1922

Ham Says Best People Belong to Ku Klux Klan. . . All The Turmoil and Unrest of the World Comes From Secret Power. . . Press And Everything Controlled by Same. . . Satan and His Emissaries Will Eventually Have This Country, But Ramsay Calls Time on Evangelist Before the Final Crash Came Through, the Audience Shouted for More

A large crowd greeted Mr. Ham yesterday morning when he preached on “The Strike and Economic Unrest in the Country in the Light of the Bible.” Mr. Ham was just getting into his heart of his message when his time was up and promised to continue the sermon at a later date.

That there is a secret, organized power behind the present unrest in the country was the statement of the preacher. He maintained that it was gradually getting control of the country, and causing the trouble that is present today. He stated that the present trouble is plainly predicted in the Bible, and read from Revelations before starting his sermon. He said in part:

There is an occult power in the world today, filled with evil that is exploiting the people. This power has a well defined plan which will eventually bring the world under the absolute control of Satan. There will come a time in history when all this country will be made to worship the beast, and if they refuse they will be put to the sword, or have a brand placed on them that will keep them from buying or selling, and thereby starve them to death (Rev. 13.)

Preparations are rapidly going forward for that day to come. The forces are working more and harder in this country than they ever have, and the time is rapidly coming when we will be plunged into darkness and misery that will come when this secret power gets control. They are exploiting capital against labor and labor against capital. The plan of this organization and its work is plainly predicted in the Bible.

Secret Cult

All the unrest and turmoil in this country today comes from this secret cult that is arranging for the great upheaval this country is staggering into. Europe was plunged into distress and war on account of these plans, and the same plans are being carried out in this country. There will be no one here to stop it either for all the good people, all the best people will be killed off. The same will take place in this country. There will be a series of strikes until they accomplish their purpose, and the people have been thrown into war among themselves, capital against labor and labor against Capital and then the uprising against the government will take place, according to their own plans as recording in their Protocols. Then this country will be in a state of absolute misery, under the control of Satan and his representatives on earth. It is rapidly hurrying to that point today.

. . . .

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, July 15, 1922

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