Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Gatling Jordan in Jail After Slashing W. Carlton Wilson, July 4, 1922

Negro Brutally Assaulted Youth. . . Slashed Him Three Times With Pocket Knife Early Yesterday. . . condition is Serious. . . Affair Occurred In the Heart of the Business District—Firemen Made the Arrest

Reports from Watts hospital late last night were to the effect that W. Carlton Wilson, 18 year youth, who was knifed and seriously wounded yesterday morning about 11:45 o’clock by Gatling Jordan, a porter at a local club pool room, were to the effect that his chances to survive are considered good. Jordan is being held in the city jail, pending the recovery of young Wilson. Police chief Doby said last night that the negro had made no statement relative to the cutting affair which resulted seriously for the young white man.

Police were last night without any definite information about the affair, aside from having the names of the parties involved and the statement that Jordan was lodged in jail after being arrested by City Fireman George McGhee, and turned over to an officer near the court house. They had no information as to what prompted the trouble.

The information gathered from reported eye-witnesses led to the belief that Jordan was out on a rampage and that young Wilson was the unfortunate victim left in his wake. It was reported by one witness that a short time prior to the cutting, which took place in front of the Fleisher store on E. Main street, the negro was at the club where he is employed, sharpening his pocket knife. Other eye-witnesses said that he was seen walking rapidly along the sidewalk on Main street going in a westerly direction. Young Wilson and a companion were walking along the side walk, in an opposite direction. The negro, so the store goes, brushed between them almost knocking young Wilson off the sidewalk. Wilson, it is said, called to the negro to watch where he was going. Jordan immediately turned and started for the white man. Wilson, it is said, attempted to push him away, but was unsuccessful. With three underhand slashes the negro inflicted four wounds. One wound was on Wilson’s left hand; the other three were long gashes in the left side just underneath the ribs. One of the gashes penetrated through the abdominal wall. A large number of people saw the cutting and Fireman McGhee, a witness to the affair, was prompt to take charge of the negro. Other men nearby went to the assistance of young Wilson. He was escorted to Dr. C.A. Adams office in the Geer building. First aid was rendered and afterwards the injured man was taken to the hospital.

The cutting affair aroused considerable feeling yesterday afternoon, due especially to the fact that young Wilson was injured in an accident on Saturday at the Grande Central garage where he is employed. His injury resulted with a battery exploded, acid being thrown in his eye. He was returning to his home from a doctor’s office when the cutting scrape occurred.

Young Wilson is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Wilson of South street. His father is a merchant in the Lakeland park section.

From The Durham Morning Herald, July 4, 1922

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