Friday, July 1, 2022

Speedy Efforts by Citizens Saves Schlichter Lumber Company, July 1, 1922

Fire Threatens Schlichter Plant

Thanks to the efforts of the citizens of Littleton and farmers from the vicinity of the town, a fire which broke out on Saturday afternoon in the dust room of the Schlichter Lumber Company was confined to that place and extinguished before it could damage any other buildings of the new plant.

The only loss was that from the destruction of the walls of the dust room.


Mrs. Schlicter Thanks Citizens

We take this means of thanking the citizens of Littleton and the surrounding county who were responsible for the saving of our plant from destruction by fire on last Saturday. Their timely labors, which confined the blaze to a small dust room, are greatly appreciated by this company.

--Schlichter Lumber Co., A.B. Schlichter, President

From the front page of The News Reporter, Littleton, July 1, 1922

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