Monday, June 19, 2023

Bertha Motsinger Sues Over $1,000 Splinter, June 19, 1923

Splinter Sticks in Foot; She Is Suing for $1,000

Seeking to recover $1,000 for injuries received when a splinter stuck in her foot, Bertha Hall Motsinger of High Point has filed in the office of the clerk of Superior Court at Greensboro a complaint against the Welborn Furniture Company of High Point.

In the complaint the plaintiff states that she was invited to enter the store Feb. 20 by J.L. Welborn. While walking in an aisle she stepped on a splinter four to six inches long, which penetrated her shoe and went one to two inches into her foot. The plaintiff contends that pliers were used to pull out the splinter, but it broke and part of it remained in her foot. She visited a physician and again pliers were necessary to extract the splinter. She alleges that she suffered agony.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, June 19, 1923

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