Monday, June 19, 2023

Mrs. Bean, 31, and Mr. Taylor, 82, Have Died, June 19, 1923

Mr. Taylor Dies at Old Age

Benjamin F. Taylor died Monday, June 11, at his home near Hartland and was buried Tuesday at 1 o’clock at Littlejohn’s church. Rev. F.H. Price conducted the funeral services.

Mr. Taylor was born July 10, 1840. He served during the civil war in the Southern army. In early life he was married. His wife preceded him to the grave many years ago. The deceased is survived by four children—Miss Alice Taylor, Mrs. J.W. Kincaid, John and Stanley Taylor.


Mrs. Bean Passed Away

Mrs. Ralph Bean died Thursday night at 12:45 o’clock in her home in Whitnel following an illness of two days. She was in her 31st year. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. L.D. Miller, and interment was in Collier’s burying ground Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock.

Mrs. Bean was married to Ralph Bean April 27, 1913, her maiden name being Essie Fox. Four children were born to the union, all of whom are living. Mrs. Bean was raised in the mountains of Caldwell county near Sampson. She is survived by her husband four children, four brothers, William, George and Walter Fox of Gastonia and Jesse Fox of Nazareth orphanage, Salisbury, and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Hartso of Ashe county, Miss Lula Fox of Oak Hill and Charlotte Fox of Newton.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, June 19, 1923

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