Friday, June 16, 2023

Former Draft Dodger and White Slaver Arrested for Transporting New Bern Corn Whiskey, June 16, 1923

Officers Make Haul. . . Third Big Haul Within 30 Days

Raleigh, N.C., June 15—Wake county officers last night made their third big haul within the past 30 days of liquor alleged to have been brought here from New Bern, and with it captured Harry Lee Baucom, Raleigh man. Baucom has recently completed a sentence at Fort Bragg imposed for draft dodging and while in the custody of the military authorities was convicted in the United States district court for white slavery.

Only 18 gallons of what is alleged to be Craven county corn whiskey was captured last night, but over 70 gallons was secured in each of the other raids.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Saturday, June 16, 1923

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