Friday, June 2, 2023

Miss Ridenhour, Mr. Ritchie Win High School Contest, June 2, 1923

Miss Ridenhour and Mr. Ritchie Winners of High School Honors

Miss Mary Ridenhour and Mr. Eugene Ritchie were winners in the recitation-declamation contest held at Central School Friday evening. The contest was the first exercise of High School commencement and was conducted before an audience that filled the school auditorium.

Miss Ridenhour had as her subject “The Confessional,” and Mr. Ritchie’s subject was “A Tar Heel Business Course.” The decision of the judges apparently was received with general approval, judging by the applause which followed their announcement.

All of the contestants received just praise for the manner in which they presented their subjects. The other contestants were:

The Angels of Buena Vista—Miss Ethel Honeycut

The Way to World Peace—Mr. Fred Goodman

Duet—Misses Margaret Hartsell and Helen Widenhouse

Washington—Mr. Jesse Hamilton

On the Rappanhannock—Miss Pink Willeford

Piano Solo—Miss Frances Jarratt

Satan, the War Dog That Saved a Town—Miss Grace Ridenhour

A Career—Mr. W.C. Walker

A Voice From a Far Country—Miss Robbie Corzine

Violin Solo—Miss Louise Morris

Decision of the Judges

The medal in recitation is given each year by the Junior Order No. 25 and the declamation medal is given each year by Mr. C.B. Wagoner. The medals will be presented at the final exercises Monday evening.

Tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock at the Central School auditorium the baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by Rev. W.C. Lyerly, pastor of Trinity Reformed Church. Practically every downtown church will dispense with the morning service so the congregations can worship with the graduates. On Monday evening at 8 o’clock the final exercises will be held. At that time certificates of graduation will be presented to the graduates and the literary address will be delivered by Dr. William H. Frazer, President of Queen’s College.

Dr. Frazer has been heard in Concord on several occasions and each time he was heard with keen interest. He is a deep student, a forceful speaker and as a college President is well qualified to speak to young people who are just entering into manhood and womanhood.

The exercises Monday evening will begin at 8 o’clock and the general public is invited.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, June 2, 1923

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