Monday, December 18, 2023

Evelyn Price, John Bivens Wed, Dec. 18, 1923

Miss Evelyn Price Weds Mr. John Bivens

Wingate, Dec. 17—The marriage of Miss Evelyn Lorena Price and Mr. John Ashcraft Bivens took place at the Baptist parsonage Monday evening at 8 p.m., Rev. J.E. Hoyle officiating, the impressive ring ceremony being used.

Miss Christine Helms of Monroe played the wedding music. Miss Willie Bivens, sister of the groom, sweetly sang “At Dawning” and “Believe me of all Those Endearing Young Charms.” The strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding March, Rev. J. E. Hoyle and Rev. C. C. Burris entered, followed by the little flower girl, Sara Frances Alexander of Statesville, dressed in dainty flesh batiste and val lace, carrying a basket of bride’s roses, lilies of the valley and ferns, tied with an immense pink bow. Next entered the attractive little ring bearer, Ellen Barrino of Marshville, dressed in white batiste and lace, carrying the ring in the heart of a white rose. Little Miss Barrino was followed by Miss Price and Mr. Bivens, who entered together.

The bride was attired in a traveling suit, a gown of brown poiret twill with brown accessories. Her flowers were a beautiful shower bouquet of bride’s roses, valley lilies and ferns. She is a charming, lovable girl with a winning personality, and numbers her friends by her acquaintances. She is a talented musician, having studied at Queen’s College and Flora McDonald College. She is a daughter of Mrs. J.R. Price and since her engagement has been the recipient of many social courtesies.

Mr. Bivens is a man of sterling qualities. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Bivens and an honor graduate of Wake Forest College, having received an M.A. degree from that institution. He is superintendent of the Baptist Sunday school and a promising young farmer, both he and his bride having many friends throughout the State, who will read with interest of their marriage.

Because of illness in the groom’s family, the wedding was very quiet.

From the front page of the Monroe Journal, Dec. 18, 1923

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