Tuesday, December 5, 2023

J.F. Goolsby Commits Suicide Six Weeks After His Wife Dies, Dec. 5, 1923

Southern Railway Agent at Donnaha Commits Suicide

J.F. Goolsby, Southern Railway agent at Donnaha, committed suicide this morning at 8:30 o’clock by shooting himself in the top of the head with a single-barrel shot gun. A report reaching the city is that almost the entire top of his head was blown off. It is said that the shot was fired within a few minutes after he arrived at the station to begin his days’ work. A ruler was used to throw the trigger. Persons living near the depot saw Mr. Goolsby come to the door of the office and look around five times before the shot was fired. Neighbors heard the shot and rushed to the station. Death appeared to be instantaneous.

Mr. Goolsby’s wife died about six weeks ago and friends say he has appeared despondent ever since. His condition in this respect was considerably worse during the past few days.

--Winston-Sentinel, Nov. 30th

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, December 5, 1923

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