Tuesday, December 5, 2023

L.D. Lowe Died Suddenly Nov. 15, 1923

Attorney L.D. Lowe of Watauga

Mr. L.D. Lowe of Banners Elk, a former resident of Wilkesboro, died suddenly last week. His wife, who was Miss Hattie Stinson of Wilkesboro, died years ago, and was a daughter of a citizen, Dr. Calloway, of former years in Wilkesboro.

Watauga Democrat: “On Thursday evening (November 15) while sitting at his typewriter n his home at Banners Elk, Avery county, Attorney L.D. Lowe, a prominent lawyer in this mountain section for nearly 40 years, fell from his chair, stricken with paralysis, according to physicians, either brain or heart trouble, and within less than 2 minutes the spark of life was extinct.

“He had been in his usual good health, doing his chores around the house and barn. He ate a light supper and went to his room - - -.

He leaves a daughter, the youngest, in Florida. He was a Presbyterian by faith. Mr. Lowe was a son of Gilbert and Rebecca Lowe, born near Westfield, Surry county, December 18, 1856. He moved to Banner Elk in 1876. He obtained a license to the bar in 1884. He married the second time. His widow, four daughters, two sisters and four brothers mourn his departure.

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, December 5, 1923

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