Monday, December 4, 2023

Lucy Eastwood, 38, Guilty of Conduct Unbecoming a Woman, Leaves State; Her Daughters Adopted by T.M. Humphreys, Dec. 4, 1923

Liberated From the County Jail. . . Lucy Eastwood Departs from the State. . . Mr. T.M. Humphreys Adopts the Two Eastwood Children—They Will Attend Fredrick School

At the recent term of Granville County Superior Court Lucy Eastwood, 38 years of age, was found guilty of conduct unbecoming a woman. By order of the court she was confined to the county jail pending arrangements to leave the State. On Saturday last she was brought from the jail to the clerk’s office and arrangements made for her departure. A purse of $35 or $0 was made up by generous people and presented to her.

The two little daughters of the Eastwood women, who were sent to the Home of the Aged and Infirm until a home could be found for them, were adopted last week by Mr. T.M. Humphreys, a highly esteemed farmer in Oak Hill. In taking the children he is obliged to send them to Fredrick High School, see that they go to church and Sunday school, and not let any of their former associates call on them. Mr. Humphreys is determined that the little girls shall have a chance in the world.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Tuesday, Dec. 4, 1923

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