Sunday, December 10, 2023

Social Notes in the Reidsville Review, Dec. 10, 1923

Social Notes

Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Penn of New York, Miss Louise Balsley gave a lovely bridge party Friday night.

L.L. Seef of Reidsville and Miss Hassie Turner of Boxwood, Va., surprised their many friends last Wednesday by motoring to Martinsville, where they were united in marriage. They are now on a motor trip in the South.

Announcement cards have been mailed reading as follows: Miss Martha Womack announces the marriage of her niece, Bessie Bennett, to Mr. Leslie Edwin Barnes Saturday, December 8, 1923, Reidsville, N.C. A report of the wedding will appear in Wednesday’s Review.

A delightful meeting of the Ladies’ Aid Society of Montgomery Street Christian church was held Tuesday evening with Mrs. John Stanley, on Lawsonville avenue. Mrs. P.V. Apple gave an interesting reading on Christmas. During the social hour the hostess served refreshments.

C.E. Mason of North Charlotte spent the week-end with his family.

Miss Kate Ellington has returned from a visit to relatives in Wadesboro.

Page 4 of the Reidsville Review, Monday, Dec. 10, 1923

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