Thursday, December 21, 2023

Zeno Wall Jr. Wins First Prize for "Why Should We Go to Church on Sunday?" Dec. 20, 1923

Why Should We Go to Church on Sunday?

First Prize

By Zeno Wall Jr.

First, because the church is a divine institution organized by the Lord Jesus Christ for the benefit of man.

Second, because we need its uplifting messages, lofty vision, inspiring singing and enriching fellowship.

Third, because we want to obey that divine scripture which tells us “Not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of ?? is” Heb. 10: 25.

Fourth, because the church has helped mankind more than any other organization.

Fifth, because the best people in the world attend church and I want to be with them.

Sixth, because I desire to set the right example.

From page 2 of The Goldsboro News, Dec. 20, 1923. The judges for the contest were Rev. C.V. Brooks and Rev. P. McIntyre. The Jerusalem Bible’s translation of Heb. 10: 25 reads “Do not absent yourself from your own assemblies, as some do, but encourage each other; the more so as you see the Day drawing near.”

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