Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Woman's Work is in the Woman's Club, PTA, Mothers' Club, Daughters of the Confederacy, Rebeccas, Eastern Star, Order of Pocahontas, May 19, 1924

Elizabeth City Women Are Active in Every Good Cause. . . Woman’s Club, Parent-Teachers’ Association, Mothers’ Club, Daughters of Confederacy, Pocahontas, Rebeccas, and Eastern Star Among Their Organizations

While the women of Elizabeth City were not active workers for suffrage and are essentially Southern, conservative, modest, and quiet, they have never been shirkers of responsibility or lacking in interest in their community and its progress.

The Woman’s Club

The Elizabeth City Woman’s Club is concentrating its effort on securing a public library at this time. It operates successfully a most attractive tea room, the Linden, with rest rooms for shoppers, room for banquets and parties, and every accommodation for city patrons and those from out of town.

The club has nine departments and is indeed known all over the State for its progress, initiative, and vitality. It has helped to beautify the town with trees and flowers, it has a particularly fine literary department, and its activities are so broad and varied that they can scarce be enumerated.

The officers are Miss Lillie Grandy, president; Mrs. R.B. Cotter, Mrs. J.H. White, Mrs. T.C. Jones, vice presidents; Mrs. Roscoe Foreman, recording secretary; Mrs. S.W. Gregory, corresponding secretary; Mrs. R. J. Cohoon, treasurer.

Parent-Teachers’ Association

The Parent-Teachers’ Association of Elizabeth City has concerned itself primarily with nutrition work in the primary schools, providing milk for undernourished children, and assisting in serving this milk each day at recess. Results from this project have been so noteworthy that the work of the association has been used as an example for other schools of the State. In practically all cases the children not only improved physically but were able to do better class work.

The organization has also endeavored to encourage home study, to beautify the school grounds, and has co-operated in every way possible with the school authorities for the good of the children. each month one school grade puts on a program for the parents and the room securing the largest attendance of parents is awarded an American flag to be hung upon its walls. This plan has increased the interest of the school and the parents and brought the two elements together in a delightful way.

The officers of the association are Mrs. Cam W. Melick, president; Mrs. A.B. Combs, Mrs. L.R. Foremar, Mrs. F.G. Jacocks, Mrs. E.R. Outlaw Jr., vice presidents; Miss Mary Bright, secretary; and Mrs. A.B. Houtz, treasurer.

Elizabeth City is also fortunate in being able to furnish for the North Carolina Parent-Teachers’ Association the field secretary, Miss Catherine Albertson, who has her headquarters at Greensboro, but comes back to the home town now and then.

The Mothers’ Club

The Mothers’ Club of Elizabeth City holds its meetings each Wednesday in the attractive Community House on Fleetwood street. It was organized by the County Welfare Officer, Mrs. Anna Lewis, and the County Home Demonstration Agent, Miss Marcie Albertson, and its work has been aided and encouraged by J.G. Gregory of the Elizabeth City cotton Mill and G.F. Seyffret of the Elizabeth City Hosiery Mill. A committee of women representing each church in the city assists in the work each week.

But most of all is credit due to the members of the Mothers’ Club itself. With houses to keep, babies to rear, and other duties, these members have not only attended the meetings but have contributed each week to a fund for building a larger Community House constructed to fill the needs of themselves and of the young people of the community. The town has provided a lot for this purpose on Parsonage Street and plans have been drawn for such a building. From the Mothers’ Club have grown two girls’ clubs and a boys’ club, which hold their meetings in the Community House. A day nursery is planned and a recreation hall where wholesome amusement will be provided for the boys and girls.

the officers of the Mothers’ Club are Mrs. Martin Jennings, president; Mrs. Robert Payne, secretary; and Mrs. W.D. Williams, treasurer.

Daughters Confederacy

The D.H. Hill Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy is a very active organization. It looks after the welfare of the Confederate Veterans, the observance of Memorial Day, presents crosses of service to the World War Veterans, holds excellent literary and historical meetings, and is constantly at work.

The officers of the D.H. Hill Chapter are Mrs. C.D. Bell, president; Mrs. J.W. Modlin and Mrs. J.H. White, vice presidents; Mrs. S.W. Gregory, secretary; Mrs. Maggie Blount, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Ella Pearson, treasurer; Miss Sallie Perry, registrar; Miss Margaret Hollowell, historian.

The Rebeccas

The Rebeccas, which is the woman’s branch of the Odd Fellows, aid in the support of the Odd Fellows Orphanage at Goldsboro and do considerable local work, besides. The officers are noble grand Mrs. Minnie Davis; vice grand, Mrs. Ella Davis, reporting secretary, Mrs. Rose Goodwin; financial secretary, Mrs. Mamie Snowden; chaplain, Mrs. Mary Johnson.

Eastern Star

The Eastern Star, a branch of the Masonic Order, helps to support the Old Ladies Home at Greensboro, and is active locally in civic and social undertakings. The officers are wothy matron, Mrs. Julia Whitehurst; worthy patron, Mrs. Minnie Davis; secretary, Mrs. Addie Smith; treasurer, Mrs. Janie Cox; conductress, Miss Nellie Hastings; associate conductress, Mrs. Annie Garrett; marshal, Mrs. Sallie Boettcher; chaplain, Miss Margaret Wright; warden, Mrs. Selma Ballard; sentinel, Chas. Bembury.

Order of Pocahontas

The Order of Pocahontas, a branch of the Red Men, is quite active locally in social service work and also caters efficiently for banquets given by the Red Men, Kiwanians, and other organizations.

Following are the officers: Mrs. Florence Smith, great Pocahontas of North Carolina; Mrs. Eva LeLon, Pocahontas; Mrs. Selma Ballard, Wenonah; Mrs. Ella Davbis, prophetess; Mrs. Rosa Goodwin, collector of wampum; Mrs. Arkle Griggs, keeper of wampum; Mrs. Minnie Davis, keeper of records; C.C. Bailey, Powhatan.

From page 6 of the Elizabeth City Daily Advance, Monday, May 19, 1924

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