Thursday, September 9, 2021

Joseph Oscar Flythe--A Good Man Has Died, Sept. 8, 1921


Last Sunday many hearts were saddened as the telephone and messengers conveyed the news over Northampton that Joseph Oscar Flythe, of Conway, was dead. The news of his death came as a shock to his neighbors and friends. He had not been in his usual health for two or three days, but no one expected the end would come so soon. He died suddenly Saturday night, seemingly without pain or struggle.

Mr. Flythe was born at the ancestral home near Jackson 68 years ago, the son of Rev. Jesse Flythe and wife Lucy Grant Flythe, and was one of a family of several children, all of whom were distinguished by the upright, consecrated lives they lived and still live.

Joseph O. Flythe was called upon to fill many places of honor and trust in his county, though never a politician or office seeker, and filled them all with the strict fidelity to duty that he always exhibited in his private life. At the time of his death, he was an honored and useful member of the Board of County Commissioners. On Saturday he made arrangements to attend the regular meeting of the board on Monday, but death claimed him during the night. When the remaining members of the board met Monday morning they immediately adjourned out of respect to the deceased member and attended the funeral and acted as honorary pall-bearers.

The funeral service was held at the Methodist church of which he long had been an honored and useful member, conducted by the former pastor, Rev. W.F. Craven, who spoke most beautifully and touchingly of the life and character of his deceased friend and brother, assisted by Rev. J.M. Wright of Jackson. After the services in the church the Masons took charge of the service and burial was with appropriate Masonic honors, about a hundred Masons being present from the lodges at Pendleton, Jackson, Potecasi and Rich Square. A large concourse of people from all the surrounding country.

The active pall bearers were his nephews, J.A., A.P., Julien T., A.V. and Jesse L. Flythe, S.D. Knight, A.H. and F.E. Martin; honorary, A.J. Conner, J.G. Stancell, J.W. Weaver, J.T. Bolton, G.E. Midyette, D.C. Bridgers, C.J. Garris, W.T. Bridgers, J.P. Garris, Jesse Lassiter, J.H. Sawyer, D.N. Stephenson, J.B. Stephenson, S.J. Calvert; Flower girls, Mabel Garris, Annie Garris, Mamie Bridger, Annie Reese Odom, Frances Flythe, Jeanette Powell and Grace Pierce.

From The Roanoke-Chowan Times, Rich Square, Northampton County, N.C., Thursday, September 8, 1921

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