Sunday, September 5, 2021

Marvin Trexler, War Hero, Buried at Home, Sept. 5, 1921

Marvin Trexler, War Hero, Buried at Home

Salisbury, Sept. 5—Marvin Trexler, the first Rowan county boy to fall in France during the late war, was buried at Calvary Baptist Church near Salisbury Sunday afternoon, the burial being with full military honors and in charge of local legion members.

Young Trexler was a son of Mrs. Minnie Summers of Salisbury. In France he was a runner at First Battalion headquarters, Seventh Infantry, and with four other runners was cited by General Dixon for personal bravery for passing over an area in Belleau Woods “continually swept by shell fire” with messages.

The citation in reference to young Trexler says: “Through courage and devotion to duty carried messages from the front over a field continuously swept by shell fire and thus enabled the battalion commander to be kept liaison with his command.”

From The Charlotte News, Monday, Sept. 5, 1921

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