Saturday, September 4, 2021

White Sulphur Springs Hotel to be Renovated, Sept. 4, 1921

Hotel at Hiddenite Will Be Improved

Statesville, Sept. 3—The directors of the Davis White Sulphur Springs Hotel Company met at the hotel at Hiddenite Thursday night and voted to sell $15,000 worth of 7 per cent preferred stock in the company, the money to be used to improve the hotel and grounds. It is the plan to put in private baths all over the hotel, build a concrete swimming pool, and in many ways beautify and improve the building and grounds. The season this year under the management of J.J. and W.R. Rogers, experienced hotelists, has been very successful and plans for continued growth are being made.

From the front page of The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, Sept. 4, 1921. Photo, taken before any renovations mentioned in the article, is from the Durwood Barbour Collection of North Carolina Postcards (P077) at Wilson Library, UNC-Chapel Hill. You can read more about the history of the White Sulfur Springs Hotel, including its demise, in Our State magazine. That article is online at

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